The Battle of Ueblingen, 15 February 2520 I.C. (Imperial Calendar). After the defeat and death of Edouard von Marburg, Chief Forester of the North at Hagendorf the week after Lord Mundfilth ordered a force of Marauder infantry and cavalry supported by two magic users & some Furies down the road to the village of Ueblingen to search for more relics this time sacred go Nurgle that had been lost in the “Everchosen’s” retreat.
News of the Edouard's defeat reached Finari, Justiciar of the North at her castle in Schlaghugel late on the Sunday evening of February 2. She immediately ordered her domains to a war footing. Pegasus riders were sent to Count Thedoric at Salzenmund with the news. Riders were sent pounding down the road to the great stone span at Bridgenorth that crosses the River Demst to raise the country. By the time these reached the common at Belien about two-and-a-half leagues from Schlaghugel on Tuesday morning February 4 the village was already in a state of alarm. The riders found the village militia had been called to the standard and the dispirited remains of Edouard's host huddled in the Belien's hostels, inns, and barns. Much to their surprise, Finari's riders at Belien found some of the militia and townspeople from Ueblingen who had fled their town after learning of Edouard of Marburg's defeat. Indeed, the riders that Finari had dispatched to Ueblingen, barely two miles from the site of Edouard's defeat Hargendorf, stopped sort of the village for fear that it too had fallen to the forces of Lord Mundfilth. The town of Hargendorf was of great importance because it not only sits at the mouth of the Demst, but also is the western terminus of the Coastal Road that begins at Norden way in the eastern part of the county on the border with Ostland. Thus, Finari was confined to protect the towns and village of Hargendorf, Beilen, and Schlaghugel with only the forces that she could muster from the western reaches of the county.
By February 7 Finari had mustered a portion of her forces at Schlaghugel and marched them to Bridgenorth where they spent the night. She moved on to Beilen the next day where she gathered the local militia and the remnants of Edouard's shattered host. The presence of the Justiciar who was well-known to have years of military success behind her restored the morale of the defeated soldiers and soon they were spoiling to for a fight which they knew must come soon. After pausing several days to collect supplies and water, Finari moved north to Beilen on February 13. Her scouts reached Ueblingen that afternoon to find the village still free from Nurgle scum with only the heartiest of residents still in their houses. The scouts pressed on northwards on February 14 and encountered a large force of Marauders who were moving south from Hargendorf toward Ueblingen. Finari pressed forward with her army on the afternoon of the 14th and occupied part of a large field outside the village. The morning of February 15 Finari occupied a line of low hills to the west of the village and she awaited the large force of Marauders. A fierce battle took place that resulted in an Imperial victory.

Finari, Justiciar of the North, & her standard bearer Jan of Altdorf lead their chosen regiment of elite Nordland Swordsmen into battle.

The Imperial line receives the Blessing of Sigmar before the battle. Finari deployed her handgunners and the mercenary Marksmen of Miragalino on the large hill to her left while the rest of the army deployed to their right.

The Nurgle line. Lots of Chaos Hounds and x 15 Marauder cavalry!!!
A squadron of Marauder horse scattered the townsfolk and threatened the Imperial right!
Ont he Imperial left a Regiment of Marauder Horse and a pack of Chaos Hounds charged the Marksmen of Miragalino and the Talabecland Handgunners.......
The contest was short and uneven. The Handgunners saw off the Hounds and the Marksmen proved the value of the coin Finari paid them by slaughtering an entire Regiment of Marauder Horse.
After shattering the Halberdiers, the Marauders scattered a battalion of Handgunners.
But, the Nurgle center completely gave way and the forces of Chaos retired in disarray.
Finari received a blessing of thanks from the Theogonist....
... and the thanks of the grateful townspeople....while a bard composed a song of her victory.
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